Methane Design EAS


The partnership between EAS and Methane Design enables us to offer a high quality product both technically and graphically as a result of our expertise in designing, developing and implementing complex projects. Our joint-venture allows us to conceptualize and deploy the clients’ needs from start to finish as a turnkey solution, and enable the client to quickly bring their ideas and vision to the product and start disseminating the information accordingly. EAS and Methane Design have been joint-ventures since 1999.

EAS began in 1990 as a consulting company that specialized in many environmentally-related scientific disciplines, in addition to offering multimedia services to scientific agencies and groups, as well as public and private business firms. Methane Design, a creative and dynamic company has been involved in the growing field of new and traditional media since 1997. Together as partners we have earned ourselves a reputation of being serious and innovative companies with renowned clients such as Sun Microsystems of Canada and the Government of Canada.

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